Perspective on Symbiosis and its Relation to Ethics in Food Choices
Keep up with the conversation here.
A Look at the Impact of COVID19 on Grocery Shopping in Canada
An Integrated Beef Market Offers Protection from Plant Closures
Is the Federal Student Support Killing Ag Labour?
In a COVID-19 World, is Local Better?
Farming in the Era of COVID-19
The Problems with Scale
An Exploration of Cultural Intangible Heritage
Reflecting on Past Trends Reports
Trash Talk: Post 1 - Understanding household food waste
Is Canada’s food policy biting off more than it can chew?
Take care in interpreting food price news
The challenge of choice in food retail
Meal Kits with Mark, Part 3
The psychology of dynamic pricing in restaurants
Celery as a superfood?
Ghosts of retail flyers past
Let’s not rush to judgement on Maple Leaf
Why do we shop the way we do?
My Vegan Mistake – misunderstanding a label
Considering the complexity of food, it is no surprise that conversations about it can be broad and diverse. In order to better understand how people think about food, Mike is involved in several projects. Learn more about each project below.
Our team is a group of students, faculty and community partners that are committed to working towards a more sustainable future for the restaurant industry. Every year we hold a forum, bringing prominent speakers to the University of Guelph to discuss issues in the Canadian Restaurant Industry.